Thursday 15 March 2012

i like boys who like cats and cats that like boys. I’m on the 67th page of my book and i’m laughing at the fact i have the 69th page soon. I like milk but only the green milk and i’ve never really been keen on milkshakes or dogs. In fact i hate dogs, i’m petrified. I can never remember important things like equations and facts but i can always remember the lyrics to my favourite songs or even my not so favourites (ahem, nelly, sclub). My room is like my brain, full of junk and other than having lots of cats i have no aspirations in my life and that probably should worry me but it doesn’t. The only things i think about nowadays is when the next time i’ll see my friends are and what we’ll do when we see one another. Because, as i’ve found, all the best people live far away. My favourite month is winter, i like the power cuts and the big jumpers, i like having the excuse to stay in. I don’t mind summer though but being cold is so much better than being hot. My favourite poem is “I want to be yours” by John Cooper Clarke, which i suppose can be seen as a generic teenage ‘love’ song written by a punk poet (slight twist) but “i want to be your vacuum cleaner, breathing in your dust” always makes me giggle and the lady of shalott is only good when i can remember most of it from analysing it in year 4, “willows witen, aspens quiver, little breezes dusk and shiver” i like muffled words and shouting yr favourite songs loud, i like standing in crowds of passionate fans and i like sitting alone in the woods, i try my best to understand people but throughout high school every friendship (other than two or three) i’ve ever made has been thrown back in my face. I over use the words; chill, party, rollin, cruisin, fab, ace, rad and cheeky. I don’t even know what i’m writing and i really need to sleep before i completely loose the plot.

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